Parents Zone

What Beverages Are Healthy?

Written by: Nutritionist and Fitness Coach, Ms Hilda Yang Of course, children love to cool off with frozen beverages, but do you worry about the excessive hidden sugar in these drinks affecting their health? Pay attention to the nutrition labels on packaged beverages. When choosing pre-packaged drinks, be sure to check the nutrition label. Firstly, for paper-packaged drinks like fruit-flavored beverages and fruit teas, the calories mainly come from their sugar content. To meet the low-sugar standards, as an example, for every 100 milliliters of the beverage, less than 5 grams of sugar can be considered a low-sugar choice. Are natural fruit juice drinks always better? You might think that natural fruit juice is better than

Reject the Busyness: Build Parent-Child Relationships Every Day

Reject the Busyness: Build Parent-Child Relationships Every Day Parents should first handle their own emotions to help their children express their inner feelings. Reject the Busyness: Build Parent-Child Relationships Every Day Parents should first handle their own emotions to help their children express their inner feelings. Whether parents are working or full-time homemakers, they are busy every day with work, household chores, and taking care of their children. After school, children are also busy with homework, tutoring, and reviewing for exams. Leisure time is limited, and bedtime comes early. Dr. Wong Chung Hin, a specialist in psychiatry, points out, “Parents and students in Hong Kong are very busy, but we need to learn to ‘preprocess’ emotions

Dual Efforts Lead to Faster and Better Learning for Children

Written by: Education Expert, Principal Kenneth Law We all understand that each student is an independent individual, so the speed of learning varies. However, if there are methods that can make children learn faster and better, it is undoubtedly something both parents and teachers would be pleased to see. How to help children learn faster and better is also a topic of research for many scholars. One key factor affecting the speed of a child’s learning is the amount of existing knowledge they possess. Existing knowledge refers to what the child has learned and mastered, not only the knowledge acquired in school but also part of the knowledge gained in daily life. Learning is like building

Willing to share – Parents set an example

Written: Education expert, Cheung Wai Ching The crow accidentally found a piece of soap. After washing its feathers in the basin, the crow became fragrant all over. Deciding to share this soap with other animals, the mouse, rabbit, little monkey, and big bear all took turns using it. Finally, it was the elephant’s turn. After the elephant finished bathing, the soap was nowhere to be found. The crow found it strange and anxious, thinking the elephant was playing a joke on it. The crow, with a kind heart, shared its good thing with its friends, but in the end, the item was gone. We all know that soap gets smaller as it is used, which is